The legendary 20×24 camera is now available for private portrait sessions in the flagship studios in New York, Boston, and San Francisco. Bring your family, friends, lovers and pets to document them on the ultimate one-of-a-kind analog photographic process, the 20×24 Polaroid camera. The clarity and detail are unsurpassed, even when compared to recent digital […]
Author Archives: John Reuter
From the 20×24 Archives, Jack Butler’s provocative exhibit from 1991: The images in this group of 20 x 24 Polaroid’s are conceptually related to the subjectivizing power of domestic life. They are indicative of an investigation into the cyclictic nature of life and familiar (family) mores. The systematic association of 40’s and 50’s societal imagery […]
Tim Mantoani: For the past five years, I have been making portraits of noted photographers on the rare and mammoth format of 20×24 Polaroid. In each case, the photographer is holding one of their favorite or most iconic images. Neil Leifer’s image of Muhammad Ali standing over a knocked-out Sonny Liston, Harry Benson’s epic photo […]
“On the eve of the tenth anniversary of 9/11, Monster Children found themselves two blocks from Ground Zero. In a photography studio with a 6-Foot tall By 4-Foot wide Polaroid Camera. In the search for something unique for The Monster Children Photo Annual, of course we had to choose the most expensive of all the […]
In conjunction with the Wadsworth Atheneum’s exhibit of Patti Smith’s “Camera Solo” John Reuter, long time Polaroid artist and Director of the 20×24 studio explores the spirit of creativity spawned by Polaroid materials in the 1960s and 70s. From Marie Consindas, Lucas Samaras, Rosamond Purcell, Robert Mapplethorpe and others through to Patti Smith, Reuter explores […]